Now that we have all the books, I want to ask a question that has been bugging me lately. How come the Dark One did not resurrect all of the Darkfriend Aes Sedai from AoL when his seals weakened? Surely he still has their souls. It seems weird to me that he either completely ignored this asset...
About being turned:
What if the process of turning someone forcibly to the Shadow just removes Light from the person? The Dark One showed Rand the world without Light and it seemed quite similar to what the turned ones are.
There was a mention of this stuff in the New Spring, I think. Something about every wilder being one Aes Sedai less. Some Aes Sedai are snotty, that's true, but not most of them. I think Tehmpus is really onto something here.
I want to thank my master Yoda Lauraine Sedai, chocolate fudge brownies, my fellow novices, Winterdawn Sedai and everyone else who made this possible. :acurtsey
Maybe somebody could make a list of these questions and send them to him? Maybe he'll answer now that the last book is out :)
(there's no use saying RAFO anymore)
It would be fantastic if Thom could learn to channel. That would mean that he and Moiraine would have many years together, not just ten or so. I have a similar theory about Gawyn since his sister had the Spark. Also, he's quite young, he might be a Sparker himself. We'll see in a week.