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  1. Lokadien Vianharl

    How to become a full member

    Citizens are cool, you should become one
  2. Lokadien Vianharl

    What are you reading 2.0

    Took a break to read Vera Wong's Unsolicited Advide for Murderers...its cute so far. My wife and a bunch of people in her book club all gave it a thumbs up.
  3. Lokadien Vianharl

    Relief for the Atwell Family

    I have absolutely no words. Gave what I could.
  4. Lokadien Vianharl

    What are you reading 2.0

    Still working my way through the Malazan books. Finished Deadhouse Gates...which was just a heavy and brutal book. Starting Memories of Ice now. Also reading Fake Accounts for something a little lighter, and shorter.
  5. Lokadien Vianharl

    Congratulations Veriendha Sedai

    Yay, and congratulations. Welcome home.
  6. Lokadien Vianharl

    Merits, Apr 2023

    Simply incredible, congrats all
  7. Lokadien Vianharl

    Wasn't sure I'd ever walk these halls again...

    Along the lines of ah-Danes. Totally had the Wynterwulf correct though... :hug
  8. Lokadien Vianharl

    First Time readers - should New Spring be read First?

    In hindsight, I would say that slotting it in after book 5 is a good point. Obviously can't go back to see what it would be like to have that be the first experience, but still stand by that position. Also if you're close to finishing the series, I would just knock that out. It gets rolling...
  9. Lokadien Vianharl

    Wasn't sure I'd ever walk these halls again...

    Adanys! It's so wonderful to see you back. I'm also one who could not resist the call of returning to these halls. (Also, after looking at the pronunciation thread for your name, I apparently have been way off for years.)
  10. Lokadien Vianharl

    TarValon.Net Patreon

    Time to finally get a Patreon...
  11. Lokadien Vianharl

    What are you reading 2.0

    I read a bunch of Gene Wolfe ages ago, and feel like I really need to revisit his works. Currently reading through Deadhouse Gates by Steven Erikson...I shall finish the Malazan series one day before I retire.
  12. Lokadien Vianharl


    Hello and welcome, I am also part way through a reread and I should really pick it back up.
  13. Lokadien Vianharl

    Congratulations to Tomeina, Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah!

    Congrats, and welcome home Sister.
  14. Lokadien Vianharl

    House of Leaves

    I have been summoned! But yes, I absolutely love this book. It 100% is not for everyone and absolutely took me a while to work my way through, but it was an experience I'll remember. It's also one that I can't see being able to be experienced other than through an actual copy. A digital copy...
  15. Lokadien Vianharl

    Aes Sedai ring

    Probably speaks volumes to the fact that I saw the ring and was like....who in this series has a distinctive ring. I literally always just imagined it as a circular ring, (sure there's several reasons why) This has supplanted the tower design as my current biggest disconnect. Still super...
  16. Lokadien Vianharl

    Clarification on Moderation Team Messaging

    From what I've noticed on my phone, signatures don't show up when on mobile in portrait, but do in landscape. Could also be mobile/setting specific I suppose.
  17. Lokadien Vianharl

    Let There Be Spam!

    Let There Be Spam!
  18. Lokadien Vianharl

    Dungeons & Dragons with Ael - April 17 @ 4PM EST

    I'll try to drop in for a bit just to see how things go and then attempt to make next month's as a participant. Just to verify, is the start time EST or PST?