Geuinely appreciated how much Rafe seemed to appreciate the community, and especially the series. It was fantastic to see him speak live with familiar faces. I love how available he's making himself to the community.
Thanks for raising! I saw it on Facebook and got excited. Haven't been able to get to a JCon in years so it's exciting that Ican get a flavor of it from afar at least!
Similar for me; and every so often another old school WoTBFer appears out of the shadows like a lost memory :) If you need anything TarValon wise don't hesitate to ping me (here or FB, not sure I have IRC anymore :look)
Belatedly welcome to the tower! Had no idea you'd joined until I saw your name pop up in the Facebook group (It's Jamie.. DomaniLass from the Atari WoTBF forums). Awesome to have you here mate!
Love it when Google makes changes without a release notification :look (Had to update all my own domains too, what a pain) Thanks for sorting it out Deoan.
I'd genuinely looked at doing London a few different times but it would have been significantly more expensive than previous events. I'm always willing to play tour guide to those who visit though! <3
I was hoping for Netflix or Amazon because both have large budgets ear marked for new material, and both will inevitably looking to fill the GoT gap when it finishes.
It is outside of US, but it's not fully global yet, here is the list:
United States
United Kingdom
Which gives me hope that it'll extend further in time.