This is a perfect example of the phenomenon described in my OP. We know he took at least $X, but there are all kinds of situations like this that likely never touched the books, and only he knows or could know the aggregate total.
I operate under the assumption that Riley either reads this thread or is aware of its contents on an ongoing basis. This means that I treat each of my posts as a direct communication to Riley, and potentially any jurors to whom my posts are read as evidence.
You may find that this changes your...
Your appreciation is appreciated.
I have exacerbated the Board's problems on this issue, so it is only fair that I help alleviate it. What I mean is that the Leadership is under very strict instructions from me to say damn near next to nothing about this topic. I have done this for a lot of...
In my public comments about this whole controversy I have been very clear that I would not discuss the what the Board would find acceptable in terms of any potential negotiated arrangement between the Board and Riley.
However, I will cautiously tiptoe over that line for this statement: not...
Civil cases do not end up with jail time (the burden of proof is lower in civil cases, so jail is out of bounds) but criminal penalties can include restitution, yes.
In addition to other claims, yes.
I would be more than happy to print any and all relevant TV threads out and enter them into evidence. Believe me when I say the reaction of a few members of the membership who say "man this sucks but I'd rather he not go to jail" is not adverse here.
I have to tap the brakes here a a bit.
Let me clarify that we do not, today, have any evidence that Riley stole funds allocated for transfer to charitable entities.
As the wise Frenchman Jean-Luc Picard will say 350 years from now, "If we're going to be damned, let's be damned for what we...
As an example, under New Mexico law, his level of fraud is a second degree felony for which the basic sentencing guideline is 9 years and $10K fine . . . assuming a guilty verdict on just one count, which is not an assumption I would make.
For those of you breathlessly rushing back from the...
Rileygate? When I discuss this with Mrs. O'Justice I refer to it as the RileyToh.
And yes, this has taken some time. Some in part because Leadership refuses to let this consume daily life; some because investigations take time, particularly where people still care enough about Riley to make...