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  1. Eluial Aldaran

    Inserting images in a post

    might be blocked. i'm currently on my work computer and can't see the images in thread, but when i click on the link i see it just fine. using chrome on windows 10, fwiw
  2. Eluial Aldaran

    Set photos in the Czech Republic

    looks maybe like a target practice dummy made to look like a trolloc, which would make sense if they're in the borderlands.
  3. Eluial Aldaran


    hello i'm so excited you're here!
  4. Eluial Aldaran

    I wear pants in public

    hallo, Ken!
  5. Eluial Aldaran

    Sci Fi and Fantasy by PoC Authors

    Rick Riordin is a national treasure and a gem and should be protected at all costs. I highly recommend his "presents" series. He's a shining example of how to use your platform to amplify the voices of the less privileged. I don't have any sci fi/fantasy to add to the list, as i've been on more...
  6. Eluial Aldaran

    Current Events Forum Changes

    more than happy to.
  7. Eluial Aldaran

    Current Events Forum Changes

    "Waahh unmoderated CE is gonna be scary" [person lays out an argument defending their position] "SEE?! I WAS RIGHT"
  8. Eluial Aldaran

    Current Events Forum Changes

    This is seriously what you're afraid of? None of you who disagree with me have even bothered to respond to the actual reasons I posted. Instead you both have prefered to attempt to take pot shots at me and those who agree with me. If you're so bothered by a couple swears and by someone laying...
  9. Eluial Aldaran

    Current Events Forum Changes

    Nah, it doesn't take a special forum for me to point out when people are full of shit.
  10. Eluial Aldaran

    Current Events Forum Changes

    Alright, since y'all apparently want to give me a headache here, let me try to explain it. Sorry, I don't have the wherewithal to add pictures and diagrams. This is a community. In communities, people form friendships, and also they find people they dislike. People, as a whole, are biased...
  11. Eluial Aldaran

    Current Events Forum Changes

    "the conflict" being... Kelgan not recusing himself of posting in CE while he was DoMoD? Right. Try to keep up, Rollyn.
  12. Eluial Aldaran

    Current Events Forum Changes

    I mean, a person unwillingly to recuse themselves in the barest minimum way possible from conversations within the purview of their power is not an unbiased person, whatever you think of their other actions and decisions.
  13. Eluial Aldaran

    Current Events Forum Changes

    I more or less agree with this :)
  14. Eluial Aldaran

    Current Events Forum Changes

    I really can and I really will.
  15. Eluial Aldaran

    Current Events Forum Changes For anyone interested in doing reading. I won't be talking about it here.
  16. Eluial Aldaran

    Current Events Forum Changes

    new opinion: this is great and the only better option would be if CE was removed altogether. unpopular opinion: talking about "the purge" and whatever other anxiety-driven fearfulness comes from folks who have never had their ideas challenged in a real and relentless way. This will be nothing...