Search results

  1. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    FYI - Amyrlin on LoA

    Here's hoping for a swift diagnosis, cheap, easy, and effective treatment, and a better next year :hug
  2. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Congrats Satara and Ruslan!

    Hear Hear! Congratulations to you both, and welcome to being a White Warder, Ruslan!
  3. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Alright, who dragged me back??

    Welcome back, Autumn! We miss you up here in New England, but I'm really glad you're in a happy place!
  4. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Forums Restored

    To be clear, I am NOT speaking as a mod here, because regular Moderators don't mod SA. Full honesty? I don't know what it will help to go through all this. But if you must, CF would be the better place, imo. But I really don't know what it would help to hash this out further. All it seems...
  5. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Forums Restored

    This is not the place to continue this conversation. SA is not the right place for this.
  6. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    [Open] Hiring - Head Moderator

    Thank you for all your service, Ty, and I hope you'll be able to rejoin us one day :hug
  7. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Congrats to our new Head of White!

    Congratulations, Ida! :D :white1:
  8. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Membership Manual Change: Age Requirements Revised

    Agreed, this change seems quite sensible.
  9. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Congrats to Kitan and Nethanel!

    Congratulations to you two! :D
  10. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    2023 Officer Awards -- CONGRATULATIONS RECIPIENTS!!

    Thank you, Tree, and thank you everyone. This was a surprise, but I'm always happy to serve.:acceptedcurtsies:
  11. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Dark Style is now available!

    Thank you so much, Siera! :D :hug
  12. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Announcing our new Head Moderator!!

    Congratulations and good luck, Ty!
  13. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Wasn't sure I'd ever walk these halls again...

    Welcome back! A lot's changed since you've been gone, but it's good to have you back.
  14. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Separating the author from the works - A moral consideration or not?

    The real problems here are about ebook and audio book loans from libraries. The libraries' copies of digital editions aren't licensed in the same way as physical books, where the license is assigned as soon as the book is sold and can't be reclaimed. Rather, libraries don't buy ebooks or audio...
  15. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Separating the author from the works - A moral consideration or not?

    I still don't view Skeeter in that way, but I recognize that you do, and I'm aware of how toxic JKR has been in recent years. I had not been aware that you're trans, and I'm sorry you experience such hatred from her. I'm also sorry that I was apparently overly strident in my previous post.
  16. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Any Christian fantasy recommendation?

    I will second the Stephen Lawhead recommendation. There's only a couple things from him I haven't liked.
  17. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Any fans of Orson Scott Card?

    As an adult, I think Speaker for the Dead was the highlight of that series, though Ender's Game will always have a very special place in my heart--I found an old copy of that book when I was about 12 or 13 and it spoke to me on a LOT of levels. Speaker is a very different book, but it's also a...
  18. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Separating the author from the works - A moral consideration or not?

    I actually really disagree with your interpretation here. It was put to me once that "Politics is showbusiness for the ugly". That seems to perfectly encapsulate her character. She's portrayed as someone with some deep-seated approval issues, probably rooted in childhood neglect and/or...
  19. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Introducing the new Cordamora!

    Congratulations, Tree!
  20. Kelgan al'Moranwin

    Push Notification Notification

    I'm having the same issue. I'm in Firefox and I don't use their incognito mode. Every time my user session expires and I have to log in again, I get that banner, no matter what device I'm on, and I've clicked "Never ask me again" every time. (And I'd kinda like that to mean that I'm never...