I have a little question for you.
How exactly would you count Egwene as one of the three most evil women in the books? I would think that at least Moghedien, Lanfear, or Graendal would be eviller than her. Genuinely curious to hear this take!
Thank you for all your hard work, Tree. I may not have always agreed with everything you ever did in this role, but I appreciate the heck out of you. Yours will not be an easy act to follow.
Accusing people of gaslighting, repeatedly, over what may be simple miscommunication, IS abusive. At the very least it's extremely unkind, and not exactly behavior I'd attribute to someone who's working towards peaceable solutions.
Insisting that this MUST be addressed RIGHT THIS SECOND...
@Adina al'Mari @Tree
I have asked twice. I do not want to be a nag, and I understand there's a lot going on, but there is less than a week until my guild's event. I need it added to Discord ASAP so that people can see that it's happening and decide if they're interested/can make it or not. If I...
Hey, it's been a few days and I know April Fool's stuff was going on and wreaking havoc but I'd really like to make sure this event gets added to the calendars please and thank you @Adina al'Mari @Tree
Art Weekend
April 13th & 14th (future dates TBD but probably the second full weekend of each month)
1 PM EDT both days
Come chat with the V&P Arts Guild! Bring a project to share if you're so inclined, whether that's a drawing or painting, lines or music you're learning, or otherwise!
As a general rule, I'm not a fan of AI taking the place of human creativity. It's soulless, and takes away jobs that people would actually want to do from the people who would do them and could really use the opportunity, all in the name of costing the company less money. I think this could be...
So personally I do think this site should be catering more to its existing adult membership than to potential youth - we should not need to make this a "safe space" for minors, and should not have to police the things we say or what movies we have events to watch or whatever for their sake -...
It's not that I don't wear white, but rather that I don't wear much white. If I wear too much white, I look like a ghost. I'm just that pale.
Also, like Arinna, I am prone to getting stuff all over me that will stain. Spilling food, getting too into my art and ignoring that I have like 5 markers...
So... no. This isn't really something I have numbers about, I'm afraid. I'm not a data analyst; I'm glorified data entry. I can notice funny things about individual books from authors I already know (like Sanderson—so when I saw the YA editions of Mistborn were a thing I was able to investigate...
According to the publisher, Era 1 is either YA or adult depending on which cover you bought... :shifty2:
No, seriously. I work in book data. There are subject codes we use industry-wide, and the fiction codes are separated out by audience: adult, young adult, and juvenile. Era 1 was...