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  1. Phen al'Rohan

    Calendar Event Requests

    Please cancel Phen-tastic Movie Nights until further notice. 🙏 Thank you.
  2. Phen al'Rohan

    Calendar Event Requests

    Always a pleasure!
  3. Phen al'Rohan

    Calendar Event Requests

    Can we please remove this week's movie night, unless someone else wants to host? I need a new screen... @Tree @Alexr al'Petros @Cassie Dainar
  4. Phen al'Rohan

    Calendar Event Requests

    Thank you! :curtsies:
  5. Phen al'Rohan

    Calendar Event Requests

    Oops, adding the formal request here for movie night on Discord, Thursday Feb 29, at 8pm Easter, please 🙏
  6. Phen al'Rohan

    Calendar Event Requests

    Thank you, Adina Sedai! We held the chat informally in Chat 2 from 2 to 3:30pm today, and are looking forward to our next chat in a week!
  7. Phen al'Rohan

    Calendar Event Requests

    Thank you, @Ruslan Rynar !