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  1. M

    Does Rand love one of his women most?

    Well, Rand himself says he doesn't love either of them "a hair more or less" than the others, and he says it in front of Moiraine and Nynaeve. Nyn of course boxed his ears, but he stood his ground. I do think he SHOWS this love publicly to Min most, though, because she goes with him...
  2. M

    Gay Character? (spoilers for almost all books)

    I would HOPE this is the case, however, I'm not sure conservative, homeschooled teens are socially allowed to read WoT, lolz. WoT is not very big in my area, nor fantasy in general sadly, but I remember what happened when teens here started reading Harry Potter like crazy and parents took the...
  3. M

    So Mat...*SPOILERS*

    Right, he just remembers battles/battle plans. Sorry if that wasn't clear from what I said.
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    Immigrant looking to become citizen :}

    Thanks for the welcome everyone!!! Anika, have you ever been to a Teavana?! ZOMG. I can drink their teas all day long...especially the pineapple blueberry kona pop!
  5. M

    Hi Kass! Thanks for the welcome! I am def enjoying this place! I do actually have a...

    Hi Kass! Thanks for the welcome! I am def enjoying this place! I do actually have a question...this Big White Book (BWB) that everyone keeps talking it this book...
  6. M


    I wonder though....if it turned out to be a good thing that Egwene didn't ask AS to bond Warders. Can you imagine the hysteria of a bunch of Warders all losing their AS from one swoop of balefire? Or AS freaking out and wailing when their Warder died, crazy channeling everything that moved, on...
  7. M

    So we needed Moiraine...[spoiler]

    This does make a lot of sense. I'm going with this!
  8. M

    So we needed Moiraine...[spoiler]

    I agree that it was an issue of trust. He certainly wasn't going to link with Cadsuane! and Both Elayne and Avi (who he trusted) were busy doing other things. I'm not Avi's vision in Rhuidean, the flaw in the Dragon's Peace seemed to be with the Aiel being left out, not with Moiraine...
  9. M

    *Spoilers* AMoL Ending Theory Discussion

    I realize there is great risk reviving this thread, but I don't recall anyone discussing cultural norms when thinking about good vs. evil, in regards to there still being evil if the DO were killed by Rand. My thought pattern wants to think this: We assign evil to things like stealing, murder...
  10. M

    Living After the Last Battle

    That was my FIRST thought when I realized he has Moridin's body. XD "All 3 of Rand's wifes still could feel Rand's presence through the bond. Did you miss it? " I don't think Ninya is talking about the bond-just his physical features. Even if I could FEEL my husband was my husband, if it...
  11. M

    So Mat...*SPOILERS*

    That is a great theory! I wonder why they don't have past memories of each other? Mat can remember dozens of battles and thousands of battle plans, and Rand can remember weaves ages and ages old that LTT created, but Perrin has no past memories, and none of them talk about having best friends...
  12. M

    Miscellaneous Questions

    "So what happens between Perrin and Galad now? Perrin promised to take his punishment for killing the whitecloaks after the Last Battle.... Now the Last Battle is over and done with, what happens next?" I thought Galad was given the authority to choose Perrin's punishment by Morgase, and the...
  13. M

    Rand and Moridin

    "Elayne neglected him for a while for the kingdom, Aviendha disappeared to become a wise one but might still decide to stick with the Aiel instead, Min was attached at the hip to him until the others started convincing her to work in unison with them. And now her 'obligation' to the Seanchan...
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    Aviendha's Children [Spoilers]

    Corwin, unless Avi is not pregnant, yet. She could seek him out...I can see him giving up his kids, though, because I assume he would want to keep his identity secret. I hope Min goes to find him, at least that way he could have one of his loves for the rest of his life. I just can't imagine...
  15. M

    Aviendha's Children [Spoilers]

    I read earlier today, I believe it was in a Q&A of Sanderson, that Avi has quads. If I can go back and find it to quote, I will. I assume, that if what she saw in Rhuidean is true, she will indeed have 4 children of Rand's (because they were called Dragon Blooded), and I assume as well that...
  16. M

    Immigrant looking to become citizen :}

    Greetings fellow like-minded people. :} I waited until AMoL was completed before I read the last three books of the series. I did it that way in case Sanderson screwed it up, I could get right to the ending without having to suffer months in-between books hoping it got better, ha. I feel he did...
  17. M

    Nae'blis Wannabe #2792

    I thought it was the dark side that had cookies? He does want to be nae'blis afterall, perhaps he has all the cookies he wants! XD