Yeah, my reread of RoW has been me trying to make it through the reread posts on, as those also come with... explanations I sorely need. But there is so much of... nothing happening in the first third of the book, and then there is action, then a long pause with too much science I...
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Yes, it is with descriptions like that where Jordan really shows his worth as a writer! He is able to describe things like Balefire or deathgates and I can clearly see it in my head.
Just from words. It is so awesome :D
That is a favourite of mine as well :D As well as many of the other moments mentioned above, like Dumai's Wells and the cleansing of Saidin.
But a few more has to be mentioned specifically:
Anything Egwene related after she was Raised to Amyrlin, but also the ceremony itself. "She had been...
So, if I'm reading this right, whoever applies for this needs to be able to attend at least one North America event each year?
And how will this position help with Local Events happening in not-America?
I think it's mentioned in the last book that the Heroes wouldn't fight for the Shadow, but they would have been prevented to fight for the Light if the Shadow had the Horn.