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  1. C

    Member since 2013

    Hi everyone. So I've been a member here for almost a decade now but have never posted. Just shy I guess. With the upcoming WoT series from amazon I feel its time for me to become an active community member since I've been a huge fan of these awesome books since the 1990's. Regards Cair.
  2. C

    Manethren lives!

    Manethren lives!
  3. C

    A question I probably missed somewhere on the line

    Graendal killed him.... Ages ago, not sure which book now.
  4. C

    Things you liked, or didn't [WHOLE BOOK SPOILERS]

    While i will need to re-read before i can comment happily on this post two things that annoyed me throughout AMoL; Firstly; the scale of the Last Battle, ok so we had the Borderlands being reduced to rubble, was this really unexpected? with their Armies spending most of the series in Andor it...
  5. C

    Changes to the Ajahs

    Whats to change? Really? Of course the Reds wont be hunting down Male channelers in Randland but what about Shara? Lets not forget there is still a massive hostile nation out there who sided with the shadow during TG. Even if the nations arent ready to fight i cannot see the Seanchen or the...
  6. C

    Things that surprised you

    This is genius, everyone return their books and lets get a reprint ordered. That would have taken us full circle and been truly brilliant.
  7. C

    *Spoilers* AMoL Ending Theory Discussion

    Reading between the lines i always took it that Loial was the scholar who's 'perspective' that WoT was written from. Afterall he had his book to write.