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  1. R


    Welcome, Jen! It is most certainly the most loving thing to do to share a favored activity with a loved one. It's not just for pure enjoyment of the series, but it's letting him in on what would otherwise be an inside joke! And as far as being Brown and Blue, it would make a lovely shawl! I...
  2. R

    Why hello there.

    Haha, I can just imagine the shenanigans this could cause. "It wasn't me, I swear! It was OTHER Rohh!" Or "That sounded like Mistress of Novices/Master of Arms (?). Must not be for me!"
  3. R

    Overrated Books

    The Sword of Truth series by Terry Goodkind. I did a book trade with my then-boyfriend with Eye of the World for him and Wizard's First Rule for me. I made it through, but it was a struggle. I'm sure it's alright, but he said that it was his favorite book and every time something remotely...
  4. R

    Hi folks

    The Tower just won't let us go until it's done with us, will it? Welcome back!
  5. R


    Welcome, Gwynne! Clearly, you have excellent taste in books! I read Spellsinger back in high school, but I've never run across someone else who's read it! Have you ever read anything by Meredith Ann Pierce - Firebringer or Darkangel Trilogy? Or the Abhorsen Trilogy by Garth Nix? Those are...
  6. R

    The Wheel spun me into the Pattern again

    Siusane Sedai, that's exactly what made me want to jump in! The lady who wrote that particular article was hosting a panel at Dragon*Con. I loved the level of research she had done and I wanted to take that and go one more step. She stated one style is a combination of this historical style...
  7. R

    The Wheel spun me into the Pattern again

    I don't know if I would say I died and have been reborn, or if I'm simply a Tower runaway. I was a member briefly back in 2005 or so, but between computers crashing, forgetting passwords, and realizing just how terribly far behind I was in my reading I was unable to log back in. But after a...