It would seem these events took place before I joined, so the first I had heard about it was this past weekend. I didn't really know what to say, to be honest. Like many others I was shocked to learn that this community had been the victim of such a serious crime. After reading through the...
Oh sorry, my bad. The prologue stuff is at the end of the Malloreon, the rest is all back story. I could have worded that better... lol
Also, Bran, you should write a fanfic! :giggle
Welcome to Tar Valon! I don't think the MUD works anymore... I tried everything I could think of and it still won't work for me either. :( That being said, I'd go for palaeontology! But then again, I wanted to be a Palaeontologist when I was 5 so I'm a tad biased :P I was also the only 5...
Welcome Leanein! I think you'll find the people here are incredibly warm and welcoming. I know I did :) If you ever want to chat feel free to shoot me a visitor message (or PM once you're able!)
And Happy Bel Tine!
Sometimes... when no one's looking... I tiptoe through the Shadow. :giggle Welcome to Tar Valon! It's a really swingin' place with really awesome folk. Feel free to shoot me a message if you'd like to chat :)
Hahaha no it was probably Cairhien. I just didn't think about it haha. Darn Elayne for ruling two! I naturally thought 3 countries, three Aes Sedai lol