Search results

  1. Alenya Al'Roran

    Spring Fling Registration Now Open

    We really hope to see you this spring in Lancaster, PA! Registration is now open! All info can be found on the Spring Fling board.
  2. Alenya Al'Roran

    Now Accepting Bids for Anni 2024!

    Five more days! Send us your suggestions!
  3. Alenya Al'Roran

    Now Accepting Bids for Anni 2024!

    Two more weeks to get your bid in! Let the Tower come visit you!
  4. Alenya Al'Roran

    Membership Manual Change: Age Requirements Revised

    My child joined the site at 13 and is now 15. She's barely posted because she doesn't really likes forums, but it's my responsibility as her parent to decide if she can be here or not, and I did give my permission. It was a 2 minute conversation with the Amyrlin and I appreciate the Tower is...
  5. Alenya Al'Roran

    Now Accepting Bids for Anni 2024!

    I am so excited to announce we are now ready to accept bids for the 23rd Anniversary Party of TarValon.Net in 2024! If you are tired of trekking across the continent when there’s a wonderful place for our event right in your own backyard, this post is for you. If you know of an amazing location...
  6. Alenya Al'Roran

    Congrats Raeviendha, Aes Sedai of the Gray Ajah!

    Congratulations, Mentee!
  7. Alenya Al'Roran

    Congratulations to Aintza Bisera and Atane Valthon!

    Shocking! :eek2: Congrats!
  8. Alenya Al'Roran

    Congratulations Erin, Aes Sedai of the Red Ajah!

    Congrats, Erin! I'm so glad we got to share our raising day!
  9. Alenya Al'Roran

    Announcing our next Shatayan!

    Congrats, Cahalan!
  10. Alenya Al'Roran

    New Mayor

    Thank you so much to Aintza for everything she did for the Citizens of our fair city. She is leaving some big shoes to fill and we will miss her even though she just went to another department. Please join me in welcoming and congratulating our new Mayor, @Arella Mathara!
  11. Alenya Al'Roran

    Kassidy Rose ni DaiShan t'al'Kalin and Jas'yn Al'Dragoran

    @Kassidy Rose ni DaiShan t' al'Kalin and @Jas'yn Al'Dragoran you have been chosen to stand together before the Amyrlin Seat, pledging to join the fight against the shadow. You stand bonded in the light!
  12. Alenya Al'Roran

    New Head of the White Ajah

    Satara has been an asset to the Department of Membership and an excellent leader for the White Ajah. Her kindness and compassion for her siblings have been evident in everything she has done during her term, and she will be greatly missed. That said, it is time for a new Head of the White...
  13. Alenya Al'Roran

    Congratulations Tyeslan Al'Monhan, Aes Sedai of the Green Ajah

    Tyeslan was raised live during the Green Zoom call last night. Here is what her siblings had to say: I am in full favour of finally getting Tyeslan raised. This is way overdue! She is super sweet, fierce and embodies every single Green Ajah trait I can think of. I love her and would be...
  14. Alenya Al'Roran

    Congratulations Syera Faelron, Aes Sedai of the Blue Ajah!

    Here is what the Blues had to say: Syera is a delight. If you don't know her, take the time to meet her. She's good people. She's very active in Blue places including Discord. Cool gal. Syera's a breath of fresh air and perfect for our family. I've enjoyed getting to know her more in Blue...