Which scene in the books do you wish you could *see?*

Jun 27, 2010
Kerry, Ireland
There are so many...

The Seanchan attack on the Tower.
When Nynaeve finally loses her block.
Rand finally laughing again on top of Dragonmount.
When Suian bonds Gareth Byrne as her Warder.
Egwene standing up to Elaida(or anyone else in the White Tower)
When Lan and Nynaeve admit they love each other but Lan says all that stuff about being in a battle he can't win, but can never stop fighting....


There's more but these are the ones I can think of right now...
May 16, 2010
Cleansing of Saidin.

Rand, several Asha'man, Cadsuane, and several Aes'Sedai tearing up the thousands of trollocs that attacked them at the farm.

Battle of Cairhien, esp. from Matt's point of view.

Rand balefiring Graendal's hideaway and the expressions oh horror on everyone's face as he does it.

Matt getting owned by Tuon. Every single one of the instances in one huge painting! MUAHAHAHAH!

Battle of Dumai Wells (or whatever the name was).

Shaerlyn Storna

Aes Sedai
Jan 8, 2012
This seems to be an old thread, but I've gotta revive it... Great question! I always thought that the books would make a merely so-so movie, but an awesome tv series, but no matter what there would be scenes I would LOVE to see...

My first thought was the entire Rhuidean scene, starting with Mat and Rand going in and Mat saying "Isn't that naked woman the crazy Maiden who wants to stab you?" or something like that..
Through the stores of terangreal, Rand's journey through the columns, and Mat's visit to the snakes (foxes? I forget), then them drinking from that awesome fountain. But all that could easily take up an hour-long episode.....

The Seanchan attack on the tower
Lan telling Nynaeve he doesn't want her to marry death
Lan showing up to save her and her saving him right back by insisting on marrying him...
Mat meeting Melindhra
Mat meeting Tylin
Mat meeting Tuon (there IS a theme there, huh?
Moiraine telling the girls she knows the face of the man she'll marry better than they know theirs
Elayne walking the highwire in Luca's circus....
Anything in Tel Aranrhiod (how is that spelled? Hmm...)

Oh, so many. Great question!
Nov 17, 2010
"Apples" from Towers of Midnight. Something about that scene is so poignant to me that it gives lil chills every time I think about it.

Dumai's Wells. Battle with Rahvin in Caemlyn. Mat ambushing the Seachan that are try to collect the bounty on Tuon's head.

Just a few off the top of my head...


I know it isn't very epoc but I would love to see the scene where Mat spars with both Galad and Gawyne and woops em good. I can't read this part without smiling because I can picture the smugness slipping from their faces as they realize that Mat isn't a pushover.

For epoc I have a hard time deciding between Egwene defending the Tower from the Seanchan and Perrin defending the Two Rivers from Darkspawn.
Apr 3, 2012
always when I read a book, I make a movie of it. making it just so that I'm in the book. just like I'm doing it myself :P . But i also think about parts if you could make a game of it, or a movie. I can think about things like that for hours.
I make parts of the book parts of my own memory. that's pretty confusing sometimes, if you know what i mean. :D

Asandra al'Terra

Marquise de Sparkle
Aes Sedai
Jun 4, 2003
  1. She - Her
From my re-read so far... when Perrin et al are defending Emond's Field from Shadowspawn. ohmigoshsoawesome.
Mar 6, 2012
Swansea, UK
There are definitely so very many moments that, in my head, are already filmed but I'd like to see how others do them. I'd love specifically to see:

The Min/Rand/Semirhage meeting - (I can mostly attribute this to one of the alternative book covers which I currently am using as a desktop, I love this moment... It's exactly how I see Rand at this point).

Egwene in the Tower with the Novices against the Raken.

I think my favourite though would have to be the final Egwene/Elaida confrontation. I get goosebumps just thinking of that moment. It's the very epitome of standing up for what you believe in and the rightness of that. No matter the consequences.
Aug 10, 2010
Louisiana, USA
  1. She - Her
I'd like to see, not just Moiraine telling the story of Manetheren, but the actual fall of Manetheren as she is telling it. The march from the field of battle to holding the trollocs off at the river to the, to the citizens coming to help the soldiers, to the final battle at Aemon's field. I want to see the Queen destroy the invading army with the One Power. All while Moiraine is telling the story. I think that that would be really cool, if it was done right. That scene and that story still brings tears to my eyes and I have been reading this series for the last 13 years. I just started my reread, and when I got to that scene, I had to read it a few times before I could move on. I even made my husband listen to it.
Jul 22, 2012
Definitely Dumai's Wells and the sequence in the Tower of Genji also the battle against the seanchan at the tower and weirdly because it was already pretty compelling in the book I would love to see Egwene's time in the tower

Dane al'Nyer

Jul 30, 2012
Only just started reading The Dragon Reborn so I'm not very far in the series yet (and as such haven't read through the replies to this post as I don't want any spoilers - adding my 2 cents though). The battle at the end of TGH with the Whitecloaks advancing in a line through the fog, a thousand strong towards the Seanchan army would make an epic film clip in my opinion. When I read this scene it immediately stuck out and the emotions and images it sparked were epic, Bornhald riding valiantly to his doom (I like him despite his being a Whitecloak).

Oskana Tyra

Aes Sedai
Oct 10, 2001
Southern Ohio, USA
I'd like to see, not just Moiraine telling the story of Manetheren, but the actual fall of Manetheren as she is telling it. The march from the field of battle to holding the trollocs off at the river to the, to the citizens coming to help the soldiers, to the final battle at Aemon's field. I want to see the Queen destroy the invading army with the One Power. All while Moiraine is telling the story. I think that that would be really cool, if it was done right. That scene and that story still brings tears to my eyes and I have been reading this series for the last 13 years. I just started my reread, and when I got to that scene, I had to read it a few times before I could move on. I even made my husband listen to it.

This. It is still one of my favorite scenes in the series. I got to the scene today and I was all teary-eyed.
Oct 23, 2012
As soon as I saw the thread title, my first thoughts were the Lanfear vs Moirean scene in TFOH.

There are so so many in addition to that...

Nynaeve vs Moghedien
Rand and Mat in Rhuidean
Moghedien schooling Liandrin
Siuan puppeteering the Salidar AS
Dumai's Wells

Above all these though I'd probably most love to see the final confrontations between Egwene and Elaida,
And of course The battle for the white tower and Egwene kicking ass and taking names.

Anika Forsyn

Aes Sedai
Head of the Yellow Ajah
Mar 4, 2011
Madison, Wisconsin USA
  1. She - Her
I'd want to see how editing would go at the end of CoT when so many factors come together at once when the source is being cleansed. In the books it's so fast paced jumping from one character to another. That would be an awesome scene to see!
May 27, 2012
Spoiler from ToM, but I though it was so powerful it has to be mentioned.
a picture of Perrin forging his epic hammer would be awesome!

I also like from the same book when the last armies come onto the Fields of Merrior (or whatever) and the total force for the light includes hundreds of thousands of Aeil, almost a hundred thousand White tower gaurds, Perrins 100 000, the andoran armies, the Catherine armies, Tear, Ilian, Arab Domain, Tarabon, all of the borderland armies, The ashaman, the Asi sedi, and Rand. (I may even be forgetting some). When I read this, It got me so pumped and hopeful. I was thinking the light is going to Kick Ass, and I was also alittle sad because it is a big symbol for the end. The end of time, the last battle. The end of this series. It is always sad when an epic series ends.
Oct 9, 2012
Outer Cove, Newfoundland, Canada
TOM chapter 13.
Where Rand sees Tam again for the first time. Standing one step lower than him, weeping into his chest. That would be a epic painting. Not to mention it gives me goose bumps every time i read it.
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Ealandrelle Melyma

Aes Sedai
Dec 31, 2012
Oh this is tough! But if I had to pick out a few which would be wonderful as clips then I'd say:

- Rand going through the Pillars in Rhuidean. I think the glimpses of the Age of Legends in particular could be really intriguing.
- Egwene taking control from The Hall.
- Egwene fighting the Seanchan in the White Tower
- The Cleansing of Saidin
- Rand vs Sammael in Shadar Logoth (introducing Moridin too).
- Nynaeve breaking her block/being rescued by Lan (not sure how that would be shown in film, but was thinking a voiceover of her thoughts or something similar).
- A whole series of Mat trying to avoid Tylin ;)
- Moiraine outside the Winespring Inn, spinning her staff and telling the story of Manetheren
- Thom performing anything in High Chant ;)
- Mat blowing his way into The Stone.

OK, I've gone a little overboard, but those are the ones off teh top of my head :rofl