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  • Hello and welcome back, Tikvah! :D

    We're always happy to see members returning to TarValon.Net. :pleased-1: Real life can be really pesky sometimes, right? I've read that you have an exam soon, so I'll have my fingers crossed for you! :D My own exams don't start until mid-January, but there is always so much to do... How are the rest of your studies going?

    I believe that there have been some changes since the last time you've visited TV.Net, that are pretty common for most members now, but I know they might be confusing for people who see them for the first time. I know I felt really lost when they were introduced. :look: So, please don't hesitate to leave me a Visitor Message for anything at all, be it help with the site changes or just chatting. :pleased-1:

    See you around!
    Welcome to Tar Valon!

    I'm Aven Sedai, Mayor of this lovely site and I am so glad you joined! If you need any help at all feel free to message me or any of the Welcoming Committee members (you can find a list in the Introduction forum). It only take 25 posts and an avatar to be able to submit (and process) your Citizen Application.

    I hope to see you around!
    ~Aven Sedai
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