Hi Karliah! Are you enjoying Tar Valon so far? I hope so! I take it you are a friend of Ubah's outside the site? How wonderful that you've decided to join us! Please let me know if I can do anything to help you.
Wasn't sure if you knew this or not, but the visitor messages that you have been sending out can be seen by anyone. But these private messages are like private emails. Only you and I can see them.
And yes, Ubah did "warn" me that you would be coming to the ren faire. :P You seem to be well liked around the boards already and I look forward to seeing you in a few weeks.
Editing books for a publisher and editing books freelance are two very, very different things. If you want to be with a publisher, you have to go to a big city -- probably New York -- and intern and work your way up (at least, that's the way I understand it). I did not do that (curses!). Instead, I have a group of people who know I edit books, and they come to me from time to time, or send their dads or friends to me. Beyond that, I don't know much about book editing. :/
There are several Librarians as members - Ismene (whom you might have met at JCon), Mirandha, and Kyla come to mind. Talk to them about that. Editing talk to Rhed and Sulemein (both of whom you also might have met at JCon.)
Instead of redoing your profile, email membership@tarvalon.net and/or support@tarvalon.net and ask them to change your profile from "sedai" to a last name of your choice.