Fraghin Alaxinar

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  • D
    Hey Frag,

    Thanks for helping me out in Minecraft! That said...when are you going to become a Citizen? :: poke poke poke:: :evil
    Congrats on the move! No worries. I got involved with another local server and haven't been around much. I can't wait to see your expanded evil lair. >:]
    Hello, Fragalax, and welcome to Tar Valon!

    We the Welcoming Committee - myself and Kveldof Tikvah - are here to help you in your initial journey into the Hallowed Halls of Tar Valon. The first thing you should do is read the Membership Manual, as well as the stickied threads on the boards you visit - there are answers to nearly all the questions you may have in there. If, after reading through it, you still have some questions, feel free to message either of us and we will do our very best to help you.

    It is so very good to have you, we hope you enjoy your time here and choose to stay.
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